Build Gerrit Plugins

Sat, Dec 3, 2016 in Gerrit using tags Gerrit

Gerrit plugins can be built with both Buck and Maven.

NOTE: Developing Gerrit plugins requires installing JDK first.

Build by Maven

If plugin contains pom.xml file, it can be built with Maven.

git clone
  • Build with Maven
mvn clean package

Maven will automatically download all dependencies and build source code. You will be able to find jar file in $WORKSPACE/target directory.

Build by BUCK

BUCK is recommended by Gerrit Community. It’s faster. The build artifcat is also smaller than Maven.

Install BUCK

See Gerrit Documentation

Build via Command Line

Two build modes are supported: Standalone and in Gerrit tree. The standalone build mode is recommended, as this mode doesn’t require the Gerrit tree to exist locally.

Build standalone

# clone bucklets library
git clone
# checkout the correct bucklets version: Make sure bucklets/buckversion is same as the gerrit/.buckversion
git checkout SHA-1
# link bucklets to the plugin directory
ln -s ../bucklets .
# link to the .buckversion file
ln -s bucklets/buckversion .buckversion
# build the plugin
buck build plugin
# You will be able to find the plugin in buck-out/gen


It’s critical to checkout correct bucklets version. You have to travese commit history of bucklets repository and find out the correct version.

For example, we need to build a plugin for Gerrit version stable-2.11.

Go to gerrit source repository, and we can find .buckversion which contains the commit SHA-1 79d36de9f5284f6e833cca81867d6088a25685fb

Then we will check bucklets repository and find in commit bdd7f97, the bucklets/buckversion has the same commit SHA-1 79d36de9f5284f6e833cca81867d6088a25685fb.

So we need to checkout bdd7f97 for bucklets repository.


  1. Gerrit Documentation: Building plugins
  2. Gerrit Documentation: Building with Buck